Music Banter - View Single Post - Why such controversy on Nu Metal?
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:40 AM   #8 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Norg View Post
your stereotyping

adolescent and adolescent-acting bands- uhh since the dawn of music teenagers and young adults are prob the people buying the most music its not like 50's & 80 year olds going out and buying the hottest new music and saying all NU metal bands act adolescent is just mad stereotyping

easily commercial-uhh during the time if u werent a pop band being in a rock band wasent your gateway to succuess because thats what NU metal at the core is ROck or heavy music they never claimed to be Metal

and just because u cant play a million notes or technical riffs really fast does not make u bad

and NU metal has been explored cept u wouldnt know it since NU metal bands now a days never considerd themselfs NU metal so they go into the studio and dont say hey lets make Nu metal musc they say here lets make some new music with no boundries and anything goes to me thats NU metal to make music with no boundries

so bassically NU metal now a days 2013 has turned into "Alternative" Music and to me Alternative could mean anything
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