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Old 02-04-2013, 10:12 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jubiso View Post
Hi guys, I am new to this forum and I registered because of the World music thread. I love the idea of sharing stuff, since I myself am always on a search for new music. Here is something good I came across recently. This girl is originally from Yeman, but she lives in the Czech Republic and creates music with her band of international artists - Al-Yaman. Check her out:
thanks for the recommendation, jubiso - ethnocloud is new to me but looks very interesting.

Originally Posted by Drame22 View Post
Hello all,

Recently I've been getting tired of the same old folk songs over and over playing on my computer. I'm looking to expand and find bands that focus on folk/historical flavory music.

Some examples of what I already have:

97th Regimental Band(an American Civil War band)
Wolfe Tones(Irish Folk, mostly about how evil brits are)
Jolly Rogers(as one may guess, pirate music)

I'd prefer to stay away from American new folk, like Mumford and Sons. They're pretty good, but a little too whiney and sad for my tastes. I like the upbeat, fast music.

In particular, anything that includes:


Would be awesome. I've tried searching google but it coughs up the same old bands I've already seen. I figure the ones that I'm looking for wouldn't have any sort of advertising ability(I picked up the 97th CD from my civil war reenacting. Before that, I had no idea that music even existed).

That's about it. Oh, anti-folk's a no-no. Andrew Jackson Jihad, for example, is the epitome of whiney, depressing music. At least, in my personal opinion.

Also I've heard good things about someone called Sandy Brechin? The videos on youtube are wonderful music, but I can't seem to find anything about CD's or whatnot.

Bonus points if your music is listed on Pandora! It's my main source of finding new music so far, but it's been letting me down lately on the folk front.

Any ideas?

Cheers all,
someone who has actually collaborated with hevia ( as recommended by misspoptart ) is sharron shannon, "the jimmy hendrix of the accordian" so you might like her stuff.

as you mention lively music with fiddles, drame22, you give me an excuse to post, yet again, one of my all-time favourite music clips:-

that american civil war band you mention sounds interesting - and i`ll be checking out wolfe tones too. thanks.

welcome to mb, jubiso and drame22. if you are planning to hang around here, you might like to check out this thread and introduce yourselves to the rest of the forum:-

Introductions - Music Banter

after that, you have to join this album club. it`s obligatory
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