Originally Posted by misspoptart
Dude, you just told me the story of my boyfriend (also Turkish, but had it done at age 7). The thing is, families are sooooo freaking obsessed with their sons here, and they treat them like princes. The circumcision ceremony (Sunnet) is like the best thing ever for a Turkish family, because their son will be doted on by tens or hundreds of people, given gold, and danced with. It's like the presentation of their son to the wider family or village and it is so effing important it makes me sick. I had to watch my boyfriend's on video also, and it made me want to vomit.
Another Moroccan guy I know has a picture of himself crying on his day (age 8), with tears streaming down his face hanging in his parent's living room above the dining table. ****ING CREEPY
Circumcision is also something I'm passionately against, Fluffy. We can bond about it for days if you want.
But the Moroccan guy bit; seriously, what the f
uck? People's families actually do this to them in a ceremony?
In the back of my mind I thought there may have been a chance this Turkish lad I know could be exaggerating slightly, I didn't know this was a regular thing with Turkish families.
I just typed 'Sunnet' into Google images

Bad enough being circumcised when you're a baby and have no memory of it but at 8-9 years old is just barbaric. Do you know why they film it?