Music Banter - View Single Post - Why such controversy on Nu Metal?
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:01 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by joy_circumcision View Post
I think it's weird to throw black metal in with those, but to answer your question, nu-metal is a synthesis that seems driven largely by adolescent and adolescent-acting bands, combining two genres of music that are 1. angsty and 2. easily commercial. The resulting music is usually a lot more proud of itself than it really deserves to be (lower technical skill than a lot of other metal genres, less lyrical depth and compositional profundity, etc. etc.) and unfortunately, due perhaps to the strong backlash against its founders, or perhaps to the transience of its demographic target, there's been very little exploration of it in the underground by more talented rappers and metal musicians.
I agree very much. Nu Metal seems to water down the complexity in traditional metal genres. But there are some exceptions. I really love the band LoPro. Pete Murray's voice is amazing and I think he's a very underrated singer. If you listen to more complex recordings he's done you can hear his flexibility as a vocal artist. Here's Pete ( actually guest appearing on an MRI track ) singing these Arabian screams - kinda sounds like LoPro meets a Middle Eastern Alice In Chains - amazing

love the sitar-sounding guitar solo too
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