Originally Posted by Cinnamonics
Metallica was my entryticket, after years of loathing anything vaguely metal. And "Load" was the entry-album, hehe. After I became a fan of almost everything they ever had released up to that point (1997/1998) I got into Iron Maiden. The rest, as they say, is history, though I completely stopped being a metalhead around 2005 and turned to other genres, being completely sick of the metal. These days I include it in my diet, though, and it will probably always be a part of me.
WEll to me it depends on what I want to listen to......If I want something aggressive and heavy I'd listen to metal, but if I want something soft and gentle then Country or Pop would be good choices for me. I never stopped being a "metalhead" or whatever it is called though. How can I, Metal is such a good genre eh?