Originally Posted by Vanilla
OMG!! I was just going to say that and I see you'd bet me too it! I have really thought over the last year or so that we have a lot in common and get on like a house on fire. I actually plan on meeting you when I finally get overseas and honestly, I'll be staying overseas for a long time so I can try be there for ages! I think even though our personalities and upbringings are different, we just click.

Originally Posted by Bloozcrooz
Question...if so many women complain that men are so hard to figure out. Why do so many seem to click with them, and want to surround theirself with them?
I don't know... I've never thought that men were hard to figure out. They're just people and sometimes people are hard to figure out regardless of gender. I find that men in general are way less judgmental than women overall, and also less dramatic.