("...I think I'll just dance with vanilla instead this morning..." went the goblin thinking that the posts were getting better and would probably get better still, adding "...nah, I'm friendly, where none of my posts show malice either, and yet there is a part of me that refuses to write as expected to now, for I am not someone else's met expectations here, for that compromising person is actually dead to themselves in my view, ah no, first I'll write how I like here and then I'll listen to what you might have to say, would that be wrong I wonder...", whereupon the goblin just posted another thing he had written for safekeeping here, saying "...I'll be on the spam thread then, simply I need to edit stuff and that thread gives me both a sense of audience and a feeling of deadline...")
repost from elsewhere, new, the "amarica is doomed" thread
"...head or tails goblin..." goes the voice of anton chigurh, yet just like in the film the goblin also knows that the election results and the flipping of the coin have no meaning, simply the crime will be committed either way then, that the 1% had hand picked their man in both political parties, where "pro whatever" was a trick to show some superficial difference between the parties, just icing again, and where the real game or cake was icy-dicey, an acronym for ICDC as in
inflationary caused devaluation of currency, and once one understands their game, once one sees that their "pro whatever" politics, like that heads or tails then, is quite secondary to their subtle agenda that is advancing in the background, that their collusion between the fed and the banks at the expense of the economic system everyone and everything else too, just becomes so apparent, no the only question needed to be asked here is why is benake so hell bent on devaluing the currency by injecting 40billion new dollars into the system each month for "as long as it takes" in his words, but takes for what end now, and yes we know that both political parties are pushing for this at the behest of the fed too, so yes they're short selling america as we speak, where probably the 1% is betting against themselves to cash in on the downturn of the economy while voters vote for mere icing in red or blue colours...", "...heads or tails, call it goblin, is it obama or roney then..." went the voice of on ourdearmedia each time, yet the plot had been planned out long before that choice had ever been offered
