Vampire Weekend LP3!
VW has a release date for their new album! (I'm super pumped) Vampire Weekend is one of my favorite bands and they were my gateway band to the *indie* genre. So, they will always have a soft spot in my heart.
It hasn't been titled yet but the release date(s) is May 6/7. According to an interview with Koeing it is a "much darker and more organic" album.
“It really does feel like the third chapter in a book,” Koenig told Q. ”We created some characters on the first record, some of which are real people, some of which are ourselves, so it’s not hard to keep following them and see what their concerns are now and how their lives have changed.”
Genuinely excited for this album and (eeek) tour.
--If there is a thread for VW elsewhere I couldn't find it.
Split the Lark-- and you'll find the Music - Emily Dickinson