Originally Posted by Rock N' Roll Clown
2. Elvis Presley - The most influential man of XX century, besides Hitler, was the original rock star. Everything that this man did was so cool and influential that everybody on the planet followed him.
If by planet you mean Anglosphere, perhaps maybe somewhat.
Based on Charisma, Showmanship, Influence, Sex Appeal, here's my top five, in no order, though I feel like the original intention of influence was to indicate that my list should be made entirely of old people, and by people I mean men because the sex appeal seems less about actual holistic attractiveness and more about sexual dominance to the exclusion of femininity (be it manifest in effeminate men or women who choose to not "act masculine"). Operating with exclusively rock and rock-oriented music, the outcome largely falls to people like those mentioned in the OP, but hopefully my alternative list can present some rock beyond the cock.
Jad Fair

One of the most charismatic performers in the history of music, Jad Fair combines a wonderful naivete with true passion for his craft. Never afraid to subvert the expectations of his listeners, be they the hardest of punks disarmed by his pretty collaborations with Tenniscoats and other hip bands or the common listener ingesting his output with Half Japanese and being surprised by the wide range of punk styles founded by their DIY releases, Jad Fair stands out as a true master of individualistic showmanship. Influence? There's plenty - most of the DIY punk movement can be traced in part to Half Japanese's idiosyncratic unsolicited mailings of cassettes to various individuals, and many more punk artists at large cite the band as a general infuence. Sex appeal is palpable just by nature of his incredible charm and respect for the sexual and romantic needs of others.

Probably the most relatable of rock stars to us mophead white suburban poetry-reading types, Morrissey is the more traditional choice for best alternative rock star, largely for his unique posturing of actually aspiring to such a thing. Perhaps the only one more suited than he to intentional showmanship and scandal while subverting views on sexuality rather than exploting deep-seeded minor misogyny is David Bowie, a glaring omission from both the OP's list and my own, seeing as I was unwilling to type up a big paragraph on a person everyone here has listened to incessantly for as long as they've known of his existence, myself included.
Fela Kuti

Okay, perhaps a bit of a stretch for "rock star" material, but his influence and cult of personality are a highly comparable reference point not drenched in Western culture. Fela's creation of the entire genre of Afrobeat, utilizing various influences including rock, as well as his unique political output and dedication to his home country of Nigeria make him among the most decorated "world" musicians to ever live. A talented instrumentalist (I am aware that the OP poo poos on musicianship) as well as vocalist, Fela possesses all the great qualities of putting on a wonderful spectacle for a good reason.
Kim Gordon

As one half of the indomitable duo of Thurston and Kim (a smaller module within the larger project known as The Greatest Rock Band of All Time, Sonic Youth in professional circles), Kim Gordon acted as a frantic, terrifying singer, more akin to a Meredith Monk or a Diamanda Galas than a Debbie Harry or B-52. Her extended vocalizations and swirling instrumentation, produced in conjunction with the rest of the band's effective construction of a demented take on the Spector wall of sound, generated some of the most stirring, energetic, powerful experiences in rock music, most of which translated fairly decently to live settings.
Calvin Johnson

As the founding member of twee royalty Beat Happening, Calvin Johnson established himself as the wellspring for twenty years and counting of spectacularly stripped down rock music that focused on emotive relations and a gummy aesthetic. Johnson's unique personality would catapult rock music in a direction away from the drugs and hard-ons and male obsession of the eighties. Perhaps he acts as the anti-rock star, and for that, he ranks among my favorites.