(returning, the goblin thanked Closer for her reply then before adding "...yes, I didn't know how to interpret your question to begin with so I offered those two then, because either I'm thinking about the others I leave behind, hence my first choice, or I'm relating my own attitude towards death, hence my second choice...", in fact, the goblin was no stranger to death, only that to date it had been kind in it's choice of whom to take yonder, the old and those in great pain then, adding "...well I suppose the raven of death sings over all of us I guess, where I can't say that I like its cry, but at least it reminds one not to compromise for the sake of some common acceptance...", and with that the goblin added another track in passing hoping it was what Closer was looking for It's Hard To Say Goodbye - Michael Ortega)
Last edited by fleamailman; 01-21-2013 at 04:27 AM.