Originally Posted by Alfred
It has to be said that Canada is my favourite country for music, punk or otherwise. Probably a Canadian bias, but whatever. Fucked Up and Comeback Kid who you already touched upon are great examples. Some other great ones are The Flatliners, Single Mothers, Propagandhi, Cursed, Cancer Bats, and the late Alexisonfire.
Well Alfred at least one of those bands are on the list, and there is more Canadian hardcore to come. I prefer the old school stuff though, as it tended to be little more obnoxious and rebellious.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
Municipal Waste constantly call themselves a Thrash band but I agree in that they sound far more Punk/Hardcore than Metal and despite their 'jock' attitude, they have made some decent tunes but not one really great album in my eyes. I got to see them last year and will be seeing them again this year and Thrash it is not!
Good call on Gang Green. I remember seeing them back in '89 in this tiny venue where the stage was basically just a 2 inch step above the floor and there was probably around 80 - 100 of us and the pit was amazing. Got my virgin black eye via a pit at this gig. They were supporting Meliah Rage if I remember rightly who were one of those second gen Thrash bands with a few good tunes but Gang Green was by far the better show.
A shiner at a Gang Green concert lol, why doesn't that suprise me, a great, but often forgotten band.
I agree with you on Municipal Waste, the first time I heard them they sounded like a DRI clone to me...just not as good, and there always toted as crossover kings. I haven't heard anything mind blowing from them either, I prefer Warbringer & Toxic Holocaust.