Originally Posted by bob.
finally he gets into the glory days of Victory Records!
Strife is some damn good straight up hardcore....i was lucky to have caught them years ago with Integrity, Bloodlet and Deadguy.....insanely energetic live....great band....looking forward to seeing where the before mentioned bands and my personal favorite out of those days Snapcase land i your list
had never heard The Ghost of A Thousand....but i liked the tracks you posted....happen to be heading to the bay on Monday to catch Quicksand and buy records....gonna keep my eye out for them....thanks
Ah... I fear that you and I may be on the opposite sides of the hardcore pendulum my Quicksand loving friend.
It's weird but I've always found that there seems to be different brands of hardcore fans. For instance, you've got your GBH, Circle Jerks radioactive spikey hair mutant fans, & your Gorilla Biscuits Minor Threat, veggie eating, straigt edge, shaved head fans lol. I belong to the former crowd, which is why I want to make this an interactive thread, because musical taste is ultimately subjective, when I'm done if enough people provide their input at the end, I plan to overhaul the list & then cut and paste a new one as per MB member input.
You will be happy to know though that I have some Victory Record legends slated to be somewhere in the top 10-15

I hope it's a band you like, and that the list doesn't disapoint in general.
Finally, I think its important to state to everyone following this list that as a Canadian, I get a lot of British musical influence as well, so I am trying hard to straddle the line between the US & UK, while making room for Canadian bands, as well as some from other countries, so some bands like Integrity & TSOL got crowded out. Now with that out of the way lets rock on shall we.