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Old 01-19-2013, 04:23 PM   #34 (permalink)
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... another repost then ...

"yes, daily life and the motions to go through." Lucky muses. Why is it that humans want to bend others to their wishes and with that bending lose their grip on the other. It slips out off control and into the realm of chaos. Yet they do not see and bend more and more until finally one of two breaks and no longer is able to go through the motions. Motions that were not their own to begin with but laid upon them and acted on because of expectations that needed to be fulfilled. Only to end up broken instead of bent. "You've changed." Lucky hears the man say to the woman. He does not see the hurt in her eyes, nor the crack in her armour. "What is the matter?" Unaware of his bending he refuses to see her for who she is, he wants her to be how he perceives her. How she should be. Lucky shakes her head. "Why can't humans just accept others as they are? Why is there always the need to shape and change, to fit into that box readied for them upon birth. And when they break and break free, they are broken." Staring into the reflection of the darkened window Lucky looks upon herself. "Humans may break, but can be mended too. And maybe, maybe one day they will learn to accept and just be. But that would be a perfect world and that ..." Lucky refuses to go there for a perfect world can never be and remain. Not as long as humans remain human.
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