joy_circumcision's Journal

As an exercise in getting my writing muscle some consistent use, as well as a way to both offer my thoughts on the canon and expose users here to new artists and maybe even whole genres, I thought it would be a pretty stellar idea to get a music journal started. A few notes before we begin:
- This journal is gonna focus mainly on full artist discographies, but I definitely reserve the right to icksnay further listening to an artist I find super dull and of course to occasionally sample a single album and discuss its merits and dismerits independent of the rest of the artist's catalog.
- I also am going to try to serve up two or three paragraphs per album, with plenty of historical contextualization as well as sonic description, but as with the full discography business, this isn't set in stone, and sometimes a blurb will come up.
- The last thing I will do is discuss your disagreement with my genre labels. I just borrow the ones that have been democratically selected on Rate Your Music, and if you dislike it, then make an account and downvote the genre distinctions users are making.
- The table of contents is sorted by last name, with stage names being treated as they come (for example, Panda Bear is sorted under P because the whole thing is the name, where Philemon Arthur is sorted under A because it is intended to mirror a real first/last name combo).
With those few things out of the way, we can begin!