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Old 01-19-2013, 12:57 PM   #153 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Sunnydale Cemetary
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89. The Ghost of a Thousand Genre (Hardcore) Brighton UK , era Modern

Heights Genre (Hardcore/Post Hardcore) Hertfordshire UK, era Modern

Alongside Frank Carter's Gallows, The Ghost of a Thousand were key in spearheading the British hardcore revival, a bit of a lighter sound than the former band, but no knock on them, I personally thought they had the potential to become The Clash big, as they were great at incorporating melodies into their music.

Unfortunately they broke up sighting that it was difficult to commit to being a touring band, sadly it is much harder to survive as an underground act today in any genre, whether it be hardcore, rap, jazz, metal ect, than it was before the era of free downloading ( you really have to be on the road a lot to make up for the shorfall in record sales), so hopefully that's not the primary reason, it would be dire if it was. I'm happy to learn though that they've gotten back together for a few shows in support of Alexisonfire when they come to the UK, hopefully they will re-unite permanently!!!

Fed to the ocean

Black Art Number One

New Toy


Adding UK band Heights to the list, good vocalist...I think anyways.

Dead Ends

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-11-2013 at 08:26 PM.
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