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Old 01-18-2013, 05:32 PM   #151 (permalink)
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90 .Strife Genre (Metallic Hardcore), California USA era Modern, 90's/Present and

Integrity Genre (Metallic Hardcore), Ohio, USA 90's/Present

While Earth Crisis was spearheading the Metallic Hardcore scene in New York, a better metallic band in my opinion was producing some good stuff on the other side of the country, so here I give you Strife. Amidst all the melodic hardcore, post hardcore & alternative rock, it was hard to find straight up hardcore in the 90's, but Strife was one of those bands that kept the genre going.



Torn Apart


Allright another big name band that I originally left off the list as I could never really get into them, but apparently they were inspired by Septic Death, which isn't a bad thing. Anyhow I had know idea that they were still going strong, cudos to them!


Judgement Day

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 06-30-2013 at 01:39 AM.
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