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Old 01-17-2013, 08:50 PM   #142 (permalink)
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91. Bad Religion Genre (Melodic Hardcore/Punk rock) , California USA era 80's 90's/Present &

D.I. Genre (Punk Rock), California USA, era 80's, 90's

So here it is, probably the biggest low ball on my list considering they would be in the top 10 or 20 for many people. I concede that American Jesus is an amazing song, but overall I think that Bad Religion is the most overrated band in the history of punk rock. Simply put, I do not like this band.

Bad Religions rise to prominence took place in the 90's largely in part because of guitarist Brett Gurewitz ownership of Epitaph that spearheaded hardcore into a softer more commercially viable direction with the signing of The Offspring, and virtually every other notable melodic hardcore band of the 90's.

Instead of the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag & the Exploited we therefore got Bad Religion, The Offspring, Pennywise ect, and although I like the latter two bands, it really marked the taming of hardcore in my opinion.

Bad Religion themselves are remarkably soft sounding for a punk rock band, softer than The Clash in my opinion when you take their different era's into account. This wouldn't be a problem if they had a catalogue of great songs behind them, but unlike The Clash they do not. In short if you are going to tread close to U2, Coldplay territory, than you need to step up to the plate. They have not, and so here they sit at 91, back with the next ten in a bit.

American Jesus


**** You


Okay editing the edit. I originally had Face to Face down, but I can't stand them, and I am running out of room, so I thought I'd stick a worthy band on the list that Bob has already mentioned. The D.I.'s sort of passed me by, though I had this song myself...cassette!

Ballroom Blitz

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-11-2013 at 10:05 PM.
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