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Thread: Your Day
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Old 01-16-2013, 06:22 AM   #21980 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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(... a repost from a writers forum where humans fail to see also.)

"Not only does it get worse it has been going on for years already." Lucky sits on the sofa staring down into her empty espresso cup. Humans have been denying the fact that the hot air has been slipping out of their balloons ever since they filled them. They also refuse to see how their own need for more and all consuming want drove those too high. "... what goes up must come down." Lucky once heard a wise man say right before he plummeted from his high to the lowest of low. "It is not my fault. They said it would be all right." Shaking her head Lucky wonders why humans are always ready to put blame on another human instead of looking for faults within themselves.
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