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Old 01-16-2013, 02:57 AM   #21978 (permalink)
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Posts: 11

("...nah, it gets worse humans..." started the goblin asking to be excused for the way he wrote, then continuing " that, due to obamacare most corporations are reducing their lower level staff to a 30hours a week employment status, thus avoiding the insurance bill to cover them, resulting in unemployment figures that might look better with less actual work being divided up between more people, yet for the individual concerned it couldn't be worse because often that person then had to work two jobs where the two separate employers who might not wish to share their employee between them...", yet either way then, everyone knew that the american unemployment figures were a farce, where being dropped off the register after two years regardless of whether one had actually found a job could hardly be reflective of the true unemployment figures, whereupon the goblin just sighed, saying "...the only reason why no one sees this as the greater depression of the 2010s as opposed to the great depression of the 1930s is that the media has been corrupted by its paymasters to turn a blind eye towards it and its moral obligation to speak out, oh, and plus the fact that those all too obtrusive soup kitchens of yesteryear are neatly replaced by the unobtrusive food stamps of today, moreover back then it was 1 in 10 who lived in the cities whereas today it's 1 in 10 who doesn't...", simply, it had come to the stage where ourdearmedia was without conscience, and that something that had started out as too big to fail had then become too big to prosecute and was now too big to mention even, where the goblin felt that the excuse of war would be their next tool to suppress even more unreported dissent at home, that america would in effect move onto a war footage against an enemy, imagined or otherwise, to hide the depth of their own shortfall and corruption, so the media would offer the audience what amounted to nothing more than that audience itself then, while hiding behind that media would be that which actually was their reality without coverage of it)

Last edited by fleamailman; 01-16-2013 at 06:26 AM.
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