Originally Posted by Janszoon
Heh. Yeah, I said as much in the post you replied to.
I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately this kind of crap is an epidemic in the corporate world right now. Even my father-in-law, who has been an electrical engineer for over forty years, has run into in repeatedly in the past few years.
Haha yea I amended my post when I realized you had said the same thing.
And It's definitely unfortunate that the business model of so many companies out there is focused on short-term profit, as opposed to long-term sustainability.
It's really interesting for me right now because the company I work for used to be like that, and is currently transitioning to the more proper solution of long-term sustainability, so I'm seeing the effects of the past practices, and the future benefits, in flux.
We actually just kicked to the curb our main satellite provider (who was routinely jacking up the cost of their services, which we use to provide our services to customers) and hired a full-time satellite expert and business man of 30 years, because he can both provide expertise that is relevant to our own interests and provide us with better business deals, without being subjected to a reseller's interest of simply making the most profit off of us that they can. In turn, we can offer lower prices to our customers, and get more business, which helps both us, and our customers.
So the model, in general, is beneficial to a business that tends to guarantee its benefits to those who put into the company and invest in it, because those investments, whatever they are, will inevitably net a return on it due to the increased productivity and effectiveness.
Simply contracting work out might be effective immediately, but I don't think it's a sound foundation to build success upon.