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Old 01-14-2013, 09:34 AM   #1937 (permalink)
Burning Down
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Burning Down - You are quite possibly the most generic person I've ever come across on the internet. That's neither a good thing nor a bad thing obviously, due to the nature of being middle of the road. There really isn't anything about you that I can say defines you, except having a Simpsons avatar and being a school band girl.
I don't mean all this in a negative way. I'm just trying to say that if you left this place tomorrow, I can't actually think of anything you would leave behind, personality-wise, aside from being nice.
Urban would leave behind a legacy of being this horrid but loved narcissistic rebel that everyone both feared and revered. Janszoon would leave behind a legacy of cute laughing emoticons, mediating ability, hilariously effective debating skills, and insanely sexy good looks. Vanilla, she would leave behind the legacy of being Vanilla.
I could say the same thing about myself, actually. I'd simply be the guy that knew about computers and made ok music, and was sometimes a total d*ck. It's just, in comparison to my own failure as an internet personality, even I worry about yours.
I hate when people make that generalization about me. I'm so much more than that now. I was a school band girl back in the 7th grade. I'm trying to carve my own little niche into the world of music education and promoting the importance of such education to parents and students alike, and so many people think that all I am is a band geek. I'm an avid fan of Western Art music that spans from today all the way back to the Ancient Greeks, and of all the history behind it. I'm 3 credits away from obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Music and I worked my butt off to earn it for the last 5 years so I think that pushes me way beyond the realm of "school band girl".

I'm not on MB (or the Internet, for that matter) to make a name for myself or to become a legend. I'm here because I wanted to find like-minded people to communicate with about music and musicianship, and to form some online relationships. I really don't care if people remember me or not if I left this site. Me leaving a legacy on an Internet forum is not the be-all and end-all of my existence.

I disagree with what you said about Vanilla. I think she is a very intelligent woman, and with that intelligence comes the right to hold her own opinions on sex and the US government hiding aliens, and whatever other topics you can name.

Oh, and thanks Vanilla for your comments

Last edited by Burning Down; 01-14-2013 at 10:16 AM. Reason: forgot something.
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