I had both consoles, and loved both of them to bits, but I gotta go with N64. The deciding factor is Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's still my favourite game experience ever, even if numerous replays has made me not wanting to touch the game ever again, lol. Add to that Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, and you have some incredible games. Also I enjoyed Goldeneye 007. For the PSX I loved the Tomb Raider series (especially the first game), the first two Wipeout games, and the three Final Fantasy main series games, Resident Evil 1&2, and Ridge Racer, plus more. So quantity-wise, I should go with PSX, but Zelda is pure magic to me.

Regardless, they are probably my two favourite consoles ever, with Megadrive a close third.
Edit: Oh, by the way, I never got that RAM add-on for N64, so I couldn't enjoy a few games they way they were meant to be enjoyed, but I bought Banjo-Tooie on X360 not too long ago, and had a blast with that game, even if it was old.
Oh, and I loved the first Turok on N64 as well, one of the best shooters ever.