100. Totalt Jävla Mörker Genre (Hardcore/Crust Punk), Sweeden, era, Modern &
Disfear Genre (Hardcore/Crust) Sweeden, era, 90's/00's
Allright so starting 100 to 51.
This is pretty much an anglocentric list in that most of the bands are from English speaking nations. I recognize that hardcore is huge throughout South America, Asia & Europe, but unless you speak the language it's kind of hard to follow along.
Scandinavia of course is the exception to this rule. Much like heavy metal, these countries have been pioneers in the more extreme sounds of this genre, particularly crust, so hence I give you Totalt Jävla Mörker, or translated to English, Total ****ing Darkness.
Kall Värld
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Allright, in the next two edited entries, I will be adding two more popular Sweedish crust bands.
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Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-02-2013 at 11:10 PM.