I truly don't understand your problem. Are you saying that people shouldn't talk among themselves so much, should concentrate on creating/maintaining music topics? Is this an office? Are we at work, where we all huddle in our cubicles and dare say nothing out of place? No, it's a community, a place to shoot the breeze, catch up with the people you like/have similar interests to/want to annoy/whatever, and not always take yourself too seriously. It's a place to kick back and relax in.
I always think of MB as a pub or club, where you can go to meet your mates. No-one says in the pub you have to discuss football, or music, or women, or men, and if someone strays off topic no-one says "Hey! Hey! That's not the subject! Stay on topic! And mine's a pint!" Well, maybe the last part...
Why should any site like this try to maximise its members at the expense of the overall enjoyment and success of the forum? Quantity over quality? Surely not. This is the sort of place where you can say what's on your mind, laugh and joke with people, slag them off, be slagged, make smart replies and occasionally talk about music.
That said, I maintain three separate journals here, so no-one could accuse me of not being dedicated or not taking the discussion of music seriously. It's just you want other stuff too. It's not a job, as I say, it's fun. Remember fun?
Anyhoo, if only two of you have a problem with the way the site is run, then it's hardly really a problem at all, is it? Everyone else seems happy... To quote Spock, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."
And that's nothing if not logical.