Music Banter - View Single Post - Sxip Shirey and Adam Matta
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Old 01-07-2013, 06:17 PM   #5 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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So, almost exactly four years after making this thread, I finally got around to getting the album Sxip Shirey put out a few years ago, Sonic New York, and it's glorious (love the album art too). Yes, the whole "love letter to NYC" concept has been done many time before but this album really feels like the mish mash of that city. Beatboxing, toy instruments, folk, jazz, electronica, hip hop, experimentalism—all of them collide on these tracks. The aesthetics fall somewhere between Tricky and The Flaming Lips, though junkier and more DYI sounding than either. Really worth a listen if that sounds appealing to you, and when you do, keep in mind that most of what you're hearing is product of mouths, toy instruments and effects pedals, as you can see in the videos above.

Anyway, the dude doesn't have any studio stuff on YouTube that I can find, but here's his bandcamp page: Sxip Shirey

Recommended tracks:
  • I Live in New York City
  • Aspleep on the Subway
  • Mehenatta
  • A Young Man Walks in Brooklyn
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