Originally Posted by Exoskeletal
Wow. So my mother just threw me the biggest curveball of my life.
My parents asked my brother and I to come downstairs for a minute and they turned the football game off which is never a good thing because the last time this happened my grandmother had passed and the time before the my grandfather had cancer (He's fine now).
My mother has breast cancer.
It's very very early stage 1 and my dad who never bullshits us said that everything will be fine and that the most my mother will get is a month of radiation but I'm just so ****ing scared right now. My mother is in high spirits and I will be too but right now I think I'm in a little shock because I just spent a couple minutes crying which is something I just don't really ever do. I get choked up during movies and sad things but I don't usually cry.
I don't know how to handle this really. I know she'll be fine and that my worrying will be for nothing because cancer is something that people get and fight and since this is so early the realistic chance of something happening to my mom is so slim but I'm scared as **** right now.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost her.
Damn man, I'm really sorry to hear that, but it's great that it sounds like they caught it fairly early and your family is fortunate to live in a state with some of the best health care in the country. My officemate's wife just went through a similar situation and you'll be happy to know that she's doing fine. Just stay positive and try to keep your mom positive. You'll definitely be in my thoughts.