13: Yellow Submarine
While this album has the classics, "Yellow Submarine," and "All You Need Is Love," and hidden gems like "Hey Bulldog," there is a huge, unforgivable flaw. Instead of including all the songs from the movie, half of this thing is filled with George Martin's orchestral score from the movie, which is good in it's own right, but should have been released separately. That said, "Hey Bulldog" has one of the most underrated riffs in Rock history and "It's All Too Much" is a psychedelic masterpiece. I feel this could have been a great Beatles album, but they had to tack the score onto the end of it.
12: The White Album

For every amazing track on this album, there are two filler tracks. For every "Back In The USSR," there's a "Wild Honey Pie" and "Revolution 9." That said, when the songs on this are good, they're really freaking good! There are the obvious choices like "Blackbird," but then there are more obscure gems like "Long, Long, Long" and "Don't Pass Me By." Even some of the filler tracks are enjoyable. For whatever reason, I feel myself drawn to stuff like "Honey Pie," because The Beatles don't do much stuff like it. I really like it when they go experimental.