Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ?
We do follow it. We're also human and not robots and occasionally might say something out of turn, but then we've never banned or infracted a member for saying one thing out of turn either.
Like I've said endlessly in the past we give people chances. Sometimes they need to be told to cool off sometimes they don't. We treat people like adults not kids.
I also seem to remember with some of the people did constantly ignore warnings and were banned for this, you were the first person to defend them and say they should be given another chance.
What makes you think it's not being enforced already?
How many pictures do you think I should allow before I start throwing out bans or infractions? 1? 2? 3? 4?
Thanks for your reply.
True, I oppose banning legitimate members. (By legitimate members, I mean members who are here primarily to discuss music.)
This is consistent with my view that people who violate the rules such as the rule against rudeness/namecalling and the rule against meaningless or short posts should be warned, not banned. I don't feel legitimate members who post pictures to ridicule others should be *banned*, but they should be reminded of the rules and encouraged to follow them.
I have not seen mods encouraging people to stop creating picture-containing posts that ridicule members in music threads. I've also seen rudeness not addressed consistently, since sometimes you and other mods appear to be rude often enough that I feel this may overshadow the many times you are supportive of members at the site.
That is the reason I think the rules I quoted earlier are not being enforced consistently. By enforce, I don't mean "ban"; I mean politely reminding people of a rule and encouraging them to follow it.
What is the rule about creating sock puppet accounts to ridicule people? And if a mod knows who created the sock puppet account, will that individual be asked to stop?