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Old 01-04-2013, 05:48 AM   #4079 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
This works for you too.

I feel that I have a very good understanding of football, considering myself a student of the game in some sense. I get things wrong of course, and there are obviously more clued up people on the game, but I don't just watch football matches to pass the time.
Yeah but in fairness MC said he has played in and reffed the game for years, so he has a much better "grass-roots" knowledge of it. I mean, I could watch someone make a bad tackle, say "Ouch!" but not have a clue how it actually feels. Merry on the other hand has no doubt experienced those tackles and so I would say overall has a far deeper knowledge of the game than you or I. In this case, he's not just watching, he's participating, which therefore gives him a much better understanding of the game.

To use his own analogy: watching Eastenders on the tv or taking part in it, whether it's acting, producing, directing, writing, making sets --- who is the more involved and thereby the more knowledgeable about the subject?
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