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Old 01-02-2013, 11:03 PM   #12707 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Ugggghhhh why did I think this was going to be good? I'll never get those two hours back. I hated it. HATED IT. I've only seen writing that bad a handful of other times and I've seen a **** load of bad movies. I was very disappointed that Ti West had a major hand in this because I loved The Innkeepers and The House of the Devil so much. I'll try to ignore that and wait for another gem of his. I just kept wondering why somebody could write, film, and edit a this movie and not go "wait, are we really going to do this? This part doesn't make sense and no human being would really say that". The acting was atrocious in most parts and like I just said the writing was just horrible. It was like a bunch of guys got together one night and in about 45 minutes had a bunch of cocktail napkins with scribbled plot lines and twists and decided to make a movie with what they had and not change a thing. Do yourself a favor and NEVER watch this. It's not even bad good. Just bad.


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