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Old 01-01-2013, 04:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Face View Post
I've lived abroad, and you come to understand that while here someone has to be really racist to break the stigma. While in other's like calling out someones nationality when you insult them almost (you fat yank twat), still bad, but not AS bad.

What do you to think about the terry thing. What I find odd is if he called him black, that would've been fine for the FA. If he called him a c*nt...that's fine too. But put the two together and it's not? And then someone else joking about enrique being gay for whitening his teeth being fined too.
What Terry said was racist no doubt. He didn't neutrally point out Anton was black, he insinuated there was something wrong with being black by succeeding the word black with an insult. The statement was loaded with pejorative intent.
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