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Old 12-29-2012, 03:26 AM   #108 (permalink)
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101. Snuff/Guns & Wankers Genre (Melodic hardcore), London UK, era 90's and

Leatherface Genre (Melodic hardcore) Sunderland UK, era 90's


It occurs to me that I made a grave mistake with Pig Destroyer, I thought I had thier integral album...but apprently not, I just got blown away, so they may show up again.

Anyhow I leave you with Snuff to round of the final band before 100, virtually one of the only notable punk bands to come out of the UK during the 90's. (Guns & Wankers if pretty much the same band.

Back in three weeks, Happy New Year!

I know what you want

Skin Deep



As I'm in the process of revamping things, I thought I would add the other big melodic hardcore act from the UK during the 90's. Funny thing, I got into the Mush album back in the day, but overall I could never get into them.

Message in a bottle

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-04-2013 at 11:23 PM. Reason: grammar errors
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