Young Magic - Melt: Really solid neo-psychedelia album, reminds me of Yeasayer's All Hour Cymbals, but I find myself preferring this to their work.
Jessie Ware - Devotion: I was expecting something like Lana Del Rey, but I enjoyed this a great deal more than Born to Die (which was ****e). Plenty of variation in beat over the album.
Crystal Castles - III: Thought this was great, and a step above either I or II. I particularly enjoyed the contrast of Insulin heading into Transgender. Happy with this.
Harouki Zombi - Objet Petit A: Short little EP from Kevin Barnes' wife Nina, and Rebecca Cash. Promising electropop. Needs some fine tuning, but this act has potential.
Thee Oh Sees - Putrifiers II: Feel a bit neutral about this, as half the album was great, but the remaining tracks were somewhat forgettable.
Guided By Voices - The Bears For Lunch: Hmmm, meh. Some good moments, but does mostly little for me. Guided By Voices try to do too much on every album without giving the really great stuff time to shine.
Grouper - Violet Replacement II: I love Liz Harris. She could murmur me to sleep every night, honestly.
DIIV - Oshin: Pretty run of the mill dream pop/shoegaze. Nothing new here.
Big Blood - Old Time Primitives: Least favourite Big Blood album so far, but still has some greatness to it.
A Place to Bury Strangers - Worship: Pretty good, but Exploding Head was better.