98. j.d. salinger - nine stories

the best short stories i've had the privelage of reading, salinger is my favourite author, my favourites are teddy and with love and squalor
97.gegen die wand - fatih akin

i don't know how many of you people are in love with films, as for me, my passion for music is equal to that for films, i did quite a few reviews on films on my movie forum, many films i adore at the moment but i chose this one, it's about 2 turkish germans that meat in a hospital after the tried to commit suicide, the woman asks the man to marry her, for pretence, so she can escape from her oppressive family, the man agrees, they eventually fall in love and that has tragic cosequences in the end...it's a masterpiece, see it ( unless of course you don't like to watch movies with subtitles )