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Old 12-23-2012, 04:33 PM   #12673 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Not too shabby although it is a tad too long. Just like the other Bourne films a second viewing reveals a lot more. Jeremy Renner is decent enough but I found Rachel Weisz a little light dramatically in the female role.

Well this was a very pleasant surprise. Billed as a Zombie movie but it's nothing of the sort really. Basically a 3 hander with the characters broadcasting their usual daily Radio programme holed up in their building in the middle of winter when reports start coming through of people attacking each other and speaking incomprehensibly, is it a hoax? or is it really happening as nothing is coming through on the official channels. Highly original, thought provoking and brilliantly played especially by Stephen McHattie, highly recommended even if you don't like Horror films. Make sure you watch through the credits to see a quite bizarre vignette. The DVD (at least the U.K version) has a couple of brilliant short films as extras with Eve being one of the most unusual and visually striking things I have seen for quite a long time.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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