Originally Posted by Trollheart
Hey, you'd have to wonder about Fellani though wouldn't you? I mean, THREE TIMES in one game and he doesn't get caught! AND he looked to see where the ref was before he hit Shawcross! That's premeditated, and he should be getting a few games' ban. I say this even though he's on my FFL team... and Rodgers complains Liverpool can't buy a penalty! What about Stoke huh? Glasses for the ref?
Originally Posted by Newkie
Each one was worthy of a 3 match suspension, for me he should be done for 9 games at least. Always felt he was a dirty player but the comical hair somehow puts him under the radar. He certainly likes a swing of the elbow every time we play them..
Watching Fellaini sticking his elbow into somebody or stamping on them is one of the great sights in Premiership football, the game needs nasty players to the liven the game up.
Also a 'Merry Crimbo' to all Villa fans