109. Alice Donut Genre: (Post hardcore/Psychedelic punk/alternative) New York, era 80's /90's
Quicksand Genre: (Post Hardcore) New York, era 90's/00's
Alice Donut:
I'm not sure what genre label these guys are stuck under now, back in the day I just saw them as an alternative punkish band. They were defiantly unique, and will always be remembered for the somewhat brilliant but yet disturbing song Lisa's Father. (I always liked their jazzy instrumental of Black Sabbath's War Pigs)
Lisa's Father
Bombing Sarajevo
War Pigs
Quicksand was originally slated for the list, but as I am not a fan of post hardcore, I ended pulling them for Dr. Know. Anyways I thought I'd slate them in with another NY band.
Thorn In My Side
Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-04-2013 at 11:18 PM.
Reason: grammar errors