pet peeves you have about music
I'll be honest, they are a few bands I heard on the radio that I thought were new until I got online,looked them up and found out they had been around for awhile. However what pisses me off is this: For example, I met people in my life that thought Green Day were new when they came out with american idot. I had someone to actually argue with me about that. (I know its kind of stupid, but yeah it happened). Its ok to never hear about a band or singer until later on during there career and its always cool to discover new music,thats not what makes me mad, its the thing about how they think they are right about the band or singer being new without looking up known facts when everything is on the internet.
Another one I have, is the fact Corey Taylor wanted to sing with Justin Bieber. I still like his music and I still listen to stone sour and slipknot, it didn't piss me off that bad, but it made me sick that he had such an idea.
what makes are some pet peeves you have?
Last edited by lacunacoilfan; 12-19-2012 at 09:42 PM.