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Old 12-15-2012, 06:41 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
120. AFI Genre (Melodic Hardcore) California, USA, era 90's/present

A big named 90's outfit that was heavily influenced by the Misfits. Not to offend, but I always thought they were a bit of a kiddie punk band, they were popular though, even more so now that they've moved onto playing a different style of music.
Ah AFI, I still get a bit nostalgic whenever someone mentions them. I got into them around the time of Sing The Sorrow, which isn't a bad album, but the whole Black Sails In The Sunset/All Hallows EP/The Art Of Drowning era was my favourite. Their first three albums where a bit hardcore-punk-by-numbers but on Black Sails and TAOD they had found their sound somewhat. I was obsessed with them for a few years before they released Decemberunderground and I lost interest in them then.
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