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Old 12-15-2012, 06:17 AM   #6 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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A message to FAIR club members: (yes, that means all three of us !)
I`m sorry that I`ve recently let slide a complete fortnightly cycle of the FAIR club, but that doesn`t mean that the club has ground to a halt. On Dec 21st I plan to open another poll, so fresh nominations would be very welcome, and in the meantime, this is a reminder that the current album under review is here:-

...speaking of which, stp, we can, if you like, ask an obliging mod to put a poll on the thread, so that it conforms with other FAIR club winners`threads. It`s your nomination and your thread so it`s up to you; would you like:-
a) no poll
b) poll for GB in general
c) poll for one of the albums
d) poll where people can vote separately on both albums

Let me know and we can get it done across the weekend ...
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