Just remembered some I had last night. One was located at my old school and I had committed a crime of some sort (possible a bombing) and now had to get away through all the buildings. Each hall sized room had a new challenge to try and get past, think Crystal Maze but more brutal, swinging balls with spikes on you have to dodge etc... once outside I was in my city centre and there were camera crews from the local news around everywhere, police etc, no need to avoid these as I don't think they recognised me, that was the last I remember.
Then I had another where I was driving a car into a training ground not dissimilar to that of a Premier League football team. Upon arriving, many of my classmates from school were there, it felt a bit like a PE lesson. I kept picking fights on this one lad, who didn't want to fight. The location would change from this training ground, to my old assembly hall where I would do squats on stage, then to my house. Eventually the lad agreed to fight me and I cycled after him on a pedal bike, before crashing the bike and waking up.
I always have these chasing dreams, no idea why. I really enjoy them though.
Originally Posted by Burning Down
I have never had a lucid dream, only regular dreams. Lucid dreaming sounds like descending into a parallel universe of sorts.
I heard a really cool story once, I was watching a Youtube video from a guy who's channel is dedicated to lucid dreaming, and he said he knew of a married couple who could both become lucid in their dreams, I think they would meet up in their dreams and then the next day would talk about it and realise they were having the same dreams as each other and they were connected or something. So they decided one night to meet up in their dream and tell each other a secret word to see if they could connect to each other's dream, then write the word down when they woke up and see if it matched, and it did.