Music Banter - View Single Post - Anyone here ever seen a ghost? Or something strange like that?
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Old 12-14-2012, 11:48 AM   #10 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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A friend of mine I was just talking to today acually, was on holiday in America and they stayed in some old building, I forget exactly what it was, like a store or a meat store, but they stayed on the top floor of it, in some apartment. Anyways, they were having a drinking session, a load of Irish lads sitting around a table in rural America, and they took photos. One photo captured the boys sitting around the long table with their drinks and they were all smiling, the photo also captured a couch against the wall of the room, behind the lads with a window straight behind the couch. I have seen the photograph, there are two old women sitting on the couch, one older than the other, both looking into the camera smiling creepily, and they are see through, wearing clothes from like....60's maybe 70's America.There were no old woman sitting on that couch when this photograph was taken. I think it happened about 5-6 years ago. I have the photo if anyone is curious.
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