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Thread: Mod Idol 2013
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Old 12-13-2012, 04:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
I would love to become a mod, without any shadow of a doubt, my only issue is the recent problem I have regarding connection issues. I would say around 50% of the time I am unable to connect to the forum either on my phone or via my laptop/pc. I cannot work out what the problem is as it doesn't seem to affect anyone else and can't be IP related.

Anyway, if I were elected Mod, with no connection issues, I think the first thing I would do is help to bring back some of the "Monthly..." and "[Insert Genre] Cub" suches and such. I feel they are important to a community that is fundamentally based around music discussion and I have missed participating in them and getting to know individual members on a more personal basis as a result of it.

Other than that I think I am quite a decent guy who would have little trouble adapting to a more authoritative role and seamlessly fit alongside our existing team of moderators.
You got my vote broseph. You're continually one of the best posters in the music section and a hell of a nice guy with some great recs. The rap doc you rec'd me was awesome.
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