Originally Posted by Face
Things happened, they cannot be changed.
Each possibility is simply a possibility, not dimension spawning.
More things will happen.
The entire universe will never reach exactly the same state again.
That is not the definition of linear at all, even if it is your "personal" definition. Linear means a straight line, if you want the literal definition.
Originally Posted by Face
I see the "does the present exist" question as somewhat removed from what we're talking about. Of course there's a delay before it reaches our senses, let alone before we perceive it. So we're always experiencing the past.
I suppose you could say (is this what you're saying?) all events are rigidly laid out on some level and that we are just experiencing a changing cross section of what IS there. But surely that goes against your standpoint on free will. And then I would say the cross section advances linearly across this...timescape anyway. And in effect it's no different really, it addresses more the predictability of events.
I wasn't meaning to go off on whether or not the present exists, I just wanted to point out how time is definitely not as we see it.
Read my posts about how I view the nature of free will again and you will see how everything being laid out as I said in my last post is perfectly in line with it.