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Old 12-13-2012, 02:25 PM   #73 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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At the VERY least, we should all be on the same page about time not being exactly how we perceive it. First, what I mean by linear is there are events in the past, we are in the present, and there are events that will happen in the future. We look back on the past, try to live in the present, and look forward to the future. In actuality, all that really matters is the present, but what is the present? What you are experiencing now? Even what we think we are currently perceiving is already a memory. It happened microseconds in the past because your brain has to process it before you can perceive it. We are NEVER perceiving the actual present. Read Consciousness Explained by Daniel Dennett if you want more on that. I think that fact alone is enough to get you thinking about what time actually means.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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