Originally Posted by Neapolitan
I mean it is linear in the way that Event A is Followed by Even B which is Followed by Event C ... ad infinitum. The human mind thinks of those events or arranges those events in a hypothetical timeline, but that doesn't mean someone can't say time flows forward in this universe.
I mention entropy because for something that goes backwards in time then laws of Physics in this universe also have to be reversed. You put an ice cube in a glass of water, what happens? It melts. If you where in a time machine traveling back in time and had a glass of water near your control console then ice would start forming in your glass of water thus violating the Second law of thermodynamics, that's why I mentioned it.
You see, the laws of physics would not have to be reversed because what I am talking about is not a LINEAR time frame...as in things do not go forward or backward, they just
go. I know it's hard for the human mind to wrap around this, but flowing in either direction is still part of the human construct.
Originally Posted by Face
It shows that the rate at which time passes from a relative standpoint can change due to gravity, but that it cannot be reversed.
The constant c is the magnitude of the vector in the four dimensions that EVERYTHING travels through space-time at. You, a star, light.
So the faster something travels through space (or the higher the gravity), the slower it travels relatively through time because it's effectively just the same magnitude (c) chnaging the angle. The vector for light is almost(?) completely aligned with travel through space, and not at all with time, hence why it's speed is c while ours isn't.
Yeah...and read some of his later papers in applying it and how that then relates to string theory.