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Old 12-13-2012, 08:35 AM   #270 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 1,385

Best Avatar: Canwll Corfe
Sexiest Member (Male): merrycaaant
Sexiest Member (Female): FETCHER
Most Inane: franco pepe kalle
Angriest Member: hip hop bunny hop
Biggest Drama Whore: Above
Nicest Member: Poor Old Po, Trollheart and Burning Down
Best Debater: GuitarBizarre -- he genuinely changed my mind over eSports being classified as sports, and I was very opinionated.
Worst Debater: that has to be hip hop bunny hop, a link is not a legitimate form of response to a thought out argument, and what is quite funny is that they are usually completely contradictory of the point he tries to make.
Best Writer: Trollheart
Biggest Virtuoso: GuitarBizarre
Smartest Poster: tore and duga because I think being developmental biologists makes them smart by definition
Funniest Member: merrycaaant
Best Mediator: Goofle, trollheart
Biggest Troll: hip hop bunny hop and that FUCKING JAYSHREDDZ
Most Improved Member: X
Most Underrated Poster: Unknown Soldier, Lisnaholic, Poor Old Po
Most Obscure Music Taste: Canwll Corfe
Best Music Taste: Trollheart, Goofle11 and Nonsubmissivewife special mention to Blastingas10
Biggest Music Nerd: Unknown Soldier, Trollheart and Goofle11
Best Thread Starter: Wolverine Wolf Weisel Pidgeon
Most Missed Poster: Il Duce
Thread of the Year: X
Journal of the Year: Trollheart's resurrected journal
Moderator of the Year: Burning Down
Best New Member 2012: Rijinx
Member of the Year 2012: Unknown Soldier
Biggest Lounge Lizard: X
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: merrycaaant, goofle, blastingas10
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: Franco pepe kalle and hip hop bunny hop
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator:
Most amusing Shoutboxer: merrycaaant
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