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Thread: Human Behaviour
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Old 12-10-2012, 10:40 AM   #44 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I think it's funny how much people swing their arms when they walk. The first time I ever thought about this I was walking through downtown Chicago one morning on my way to work (no doubt swinging my arms). I suddenly was acutely aware that the hundreds of people around me were all swinging their arms like crazy as they walked and it struck me how hilarious it looks. We're really kind of a ridiculous animal when you think about it.
I used to notice this myself and get paranoid about how ridiculous my arm swinging motion was. Then I realized that no one else notices and you look more ridiculous not letting them naturally follow their plane of motion.

And yes, we're ridiculous. I find it so painfully obvious to see our actions don't separate us from other animals that much by just observing human behavior throughout the day.
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