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Thread: Human Behaviour
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Old 12-09-2012, 11:04 PM   #30 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
It doesn't even enter my mind whether they thank me or not, and I'm probably a non-thanker myself. An open door seems like nothing more than an open door whether it was opened by another human or by the wind. Even when I'm the person holding it open for somebody.
I was raised to be polite and I'm seriously a little bit freaked out by this small example of a lack of empathy because I never realized it before. Schizoid pathology does run in parts of my family so hopefully it's just my nurture.
"Thank you" to me is a gesture that they appreciated what I did for them, if they didn't appreciate and don't care that I held the door, of what use was opening it? I do it for their sake and "thank you" to me is a reminder that they like when I do it, and don't feel inconvenienced by it. Maybe I'm overthinking this
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