Drivers who don't indicate. I don't drive so I get pavement rage. There is a roundabout that I have to traverse everyday on my walk to work and I am lucky if 10% of drivers indicate a left turn so if you are not indicating to take that left turn I am completely in my right to cross over.
The amount of times I have flicked the V's at drivers who don't indicate is in the hundreds. Wankshafts.
Queue jumpers. At a bar where it is a level playing field is annoying but acceptable but at a bus stop or in a store is not just annoying it is damn disrespectful especially as we Brits are legendary at queuing!
People who say thank you when you hold a door open for them restore my faith in good manners as I always hold a door open for people. People who DON'T say a thank you will get a very sarcastic " you're welcome" at the top of my voice. Not had a retort yet but then a shaved head and beard usually works as a deterrent not to mess.
“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”